Carousel Support and Information: National Carousel Association

The NCA Website Photo Show Policy

The purpose of the National Carousel Association shall be to promote conservation, appreciation, knowledge and enjoyment of the art of the classic wooden carousel and especially the preservation of complete wooden carousels.

The webmaster has recommended the addition of a carousel photo exhibit to the NCA web site consistent with the NCA’s mission and the current census policy, with emphasis on the inclusion of the classic wooden carousels and metal carousels prior to 1960, however at the Guidance Committee's discretion, other carousels may be included.


The webmaster will accept submissions which add to the quality of our web site. Preference will be given to carousels on the NCA current and historical carousel census.

The webmaster may limit the number of photos for any submission and may select or reject any and all photos.

The webmaster has control on the length of time any and all photos will appear on the NCA site.

All photos, descriptions, and facts will be reviewed and verified by the guidance committee prior to being accepted. Any factual errors or misstatements will be corrected prior to posting on the web site.

The NCA "Inquiries Group" will act as the guidance committee.

No advertising or puffery will be accepted for any submission.

The submitter and the NCA will respect all rights of content, identity and photography where applicable.

Pictures submitted to the Photo Show will be kept in the NCA archives as a historical record of the carousel and its condition at the time of the photograph. Digital modifications to hide defects or otherwise modify the appearance of the carousel or its figures are not permitted.

A copy of all transmitted digital images will become property of the NCA Archives. The submitter may be asked for permission to use, contribute, or obtain copies of original photos used for submission to be also included in the NCA Archives.

Pictures submitted to the NCA Photo Show may be used to promote the NCA on the web, in our quarterly publication, and in other media.

The photographer retains copyright privileges for all submitted photos. Any requests from outside parties to use pictures for purposes other than the promotion of the NCA must be approved by the photographer before the pictures are released to the requestor.


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Carousel Support and Information: National Carousel Association

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