Carousel Support and Information: National Carousel Association

Grand Carousel
Columbus Zoo
Powell, OH
Carousel Name:Grand Carousel
Park:Columbus Zoo
Description:W. F. Mangels/M. C. Illions
Carousel Class:Classic Wood Carousel
Last Update:2016
Year Built:1914
Type:3 rows, Park, All Wood composition
Figures:52 Jumping Horses, 2 chariots
Music:Band Organ: Wurl 153 special.
Notes: Received the NCA Historic Carousel Award - 2006
Comments:Classic Mangels/Illions carousel with all jumping horses. Restored and opened in new building summer of 2000. Chariots are new replacements.
History:Olentangy Park, Columbus, OH, 1914 to 1946
Wyandot Lake Park, Powell, OH, 1946 to 1999
Columbus Zoo, Powell, OH, 1999 to present
Directions/Hours:US 33 (Riverside Drive) to SR 257 (Dublin) SR 257 (continues Riverside Drive) 4 miles to zoo. Open 365 days. Contact zoo for hours.
Mailing Address:9990 Riverside Drive, Powell, OH, 43065
Carousel Support and Information: National Carousel Association

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