Carousel Support and Information: National Carousel Association

The NCA Miniature Collection

NCA # 1
NCA # 2
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NCA # 1
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NCA # 1
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NCA # 1
NCA # 2
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NCA # 2

IMPORTANT NOTE!!! Quantities are getting low on many of these figures. Some have already sold out, and once they're gone, they're gone! If you're considering a purchase of one of the remaining figures, now is the time!

Jerry Reinhardt and his wife, Marilyn, carve and paint miniature replicas of carousel figures in their home and studio in Stilwell, KS— near Kansas City. Their carousel woodcarvings are nationally recognized as some of the best. Since 1980, they have hand carved and hand painted over 1,200 individual, carousel woodcarvings that have been sent to collectors all over the world.

All profits go to the Fred and Mary Fried Preservation Fund, which is used to save carousels.

Each figure is initially carved in Linden (Basswood). The same type of tools (only smaller) as the old masters carved with many years ago are still used to create these works of art.

Each figure in the National Carousel Association Collection is selected as representative of some of the best work of the original masters and manufacturers, and illustrating the beauty of the old wooden carousel figures. The miniature version of the figure is carefully carved to catch the details of the original. The completed miniature carving from Linden wood is used to make a mold for the castings in the NCA Collection. Each casting is made from an epoxy-resin mix by PJ's Carousel in Virginia. The casting is then carefully hand painted by artists in the colors of the carousel figure on the operating machine. Each figure is approximately 8 to 9 inches long, and with the brass pole stands 11 1/2 inches tall. All of the work on these castings is done in America, by Americans.

Jerry & Marilyn Reinhardt are members of the National Carousel Association.

(Click on the pictures for a larger image and a description.)

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Carousel Support and Information: National Carousel Association

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