Carousel Support and Information: National Carousel Association

Santa's Workshop
North Pole, CO
Park:Santa's Workshop
Description:Herschell-Spillman - AH/Other
Carousel Class:Classic Wood Carousel
Last Update:2020
Year Built:1919
Type:3 rows, Portable, All Wood composition
Figures:8 Jumping Horses, 10 Menagerie Animals (10 1 Deer), 2 chariots
Music:Band Organ: North Tonawanda 187 w/150 rolls; Wurl 125 #2148 (in park-not at MGR)
Comments:Carousel or some of the horses may have been previously at Crystal City Park, OK. A Crystal City Park ticket was found in a horse. Uses only 2 rows. Reindeer are custom made metal. Chariots by an unknown manufacturer.
History:Original Location Unknown, Date Unknown to Unknown
Crystal City Park ?, Tulsa, OK, 1920? to 1940?
Santa's Workshop, North Pole, CO, 1966 to present
Directions/Hours:Located 10 miles West of Colorado Springs on Hwy 24 at the foot of Pike's Peak highway. Operates seasonally. Visit the website or call for hours of operation.
Mailing Address:5050 Pikes Peak Highway, Cascade, CO, 80809
Carousel Support and Information: National Carousel Association

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