Carousel Support and Information: National Carousel Association

Western Minnesota Steam Threshers Reunion
Rollag, MN
Park:Western Minnesota Steam Threshers Reunion
Description:C. W. Parker
Carousel Class:Classic Wood Carousel
Last Update:2020
Status:Partially Active
Year Built:1920s
Type:2 rows, Portable, All Wood composition
Figures:22 Jumping Horses, 3 chariots
Music:Band Organ: Johnson Model 125SP
Comments:Steam powered - also electric. Trailer mounted center pole (not original). Two horses carved by local carvers. Special carousel horse carving building established by WMSTR in 92.
History:Unknown, Traveling carnival, MN, 1920s to 1960s
Ruben Klein, Pelican Rapids, MN, 1960s to 1982
W. MN Steam Threshers Reunion, Rollag, MN, 1982 to present
Directions/Hours:Travel West out of Detroit Lakes, MN on Highway 10 to Junction 32. Turn south for 13 miles and enter gate. Carousel operates Labor Day weekend. Call for hours of operation.
Mailing Address:P.O. Box 9337, Fargo, MN, 58106
Carousel Support and Information: National Carousel Association

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