Carousel Support and Information: National Carousel Association

The Fall River Carousel
Battleship Cove
Fall River, MA
Carousel Name:The Fall River Carousel
Park:Battleship Cove
Description:PTC #54
Carousel Class:Classic Wood Carousel
Last Update:2023
Year Built:1920
Type:3 rows, Park, All Wood composition
Figures:28 Jumping Horses, 20 Standing Horses, 2 chariots
Music:Band Organ: Unk manufacturer/Wurl 150 rolls (not oper.)
Comments:46' machine. Chariots: 1 Columbia with flag & eagle; 1 maiden with Cherub. Ceiling panels between sweeps.
History:Lincoln Park, North Dartmouth, MA, 1920 to 1991
Battleship Cove, Fall River, MA, 1991 to present
Directions/Hours:Located at Battleship Cove on waterfront at Fall River. Exit 8 off I-195. Call for operating times and information. Available year round for private functions.
Mailing Address:Five Water Street, Fall River, MA, 02722-0111
Carousel Support and Information: National Carousel Association

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