Carousel Support and Information: National Carousel Association

The 2016 NCA Tech Day and Convention

Our 2016 technical conference day and our annual convention were held in the Cleveland, Ohio area from September 21 to Sepbember 25. Here are some pictures from the event!

Wednesday, September 21

Technical Conference Day
The Cleveland History Center of the Western Reserve Historical Society
PTC #19 and North Tonawanda Band Organ

Thursday, September 22

The Carousel Works

Richland Carrousel Park

Columbus Zoo

Friday, September 23

Cedar Point

Sandusky Museum

Euclid Beach Boys

Saturday, September 24

Memphis Kiddie Park

Tuscora Park

Saturday, September 24 and Sunday, September 25

NCA Banquet, Auction, and Annual Meeting

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Carousel Support and Information: National Carousel Association

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