Carousel Support and Information: National Carousel Association

The NCA Photo Show Project Presents:
The 2015 Carousel Works Carousel at
Smale River Front Park
Cincinnati, OH
Photo show courtesy of Jean Bennett
Visit their web page

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Carol Ann's Carousel Building
Carol Ann's Carousel
University of Cincinnati Bearcat by Carousel Works
Cincinnati Observatory Horse by Carousel Works
Cincinnati Fire History Horse by Carousel Works
Flying Pig (for pork production and toy manufacturing) by Carousel Works
Flying Pig Detail (Play Doh can on non-romance side)
Baseball Horse by Carousel Works (Cincinnati was home to the first professional baseball team)
Soap Opera / Crosley Radio Horse by Carousel Works
Queen Bee by Carousel Works ... for the Queen City
Hats Off Luncheon Horse by Carousel Works
Oktoberfest Horse by Carousel Works
Mt. Airy Forest Bat by Carousel Works
Spring Lady Bug by Carousel Works
Rear Detail of Spring Lady Bug
"Trigger" by Carousel Works ... Roy Rogers was born in Cincinnati
"Trigger" Detail
Pink Ice Cream Pony by Carousel Works
Baby Giraffe by Carousel Works
Skyscraper Giraffe  by Carousel Works ... his hat is symbolic of the Great American Tower building
Skyscraper Giraffe Detail
Burnet Woods Frog by Carousel Works
Cincinnati Bengals Tiger by Carousel Works
Fall Bengal Tiger Detail
Blue Heron  by Carousel Works ... Celebrating Mill Creek
U. S. Grant's Horse  by Carousel Works -- "Cincinnati"
Wedding Horse by Carousel Works
Winter Penguin by Carousel Works
Baby Elephant  by Carousel Works ... wearing a hat designed for the Elephant House at the Cincinnati Zoo
Baby Elephant Detail
Seven Hills (of Cincinnati) Rabbit by Carousel Works
Turtle Honoring Native Americans by Carousel Works
Cardinal by Carousel Works, Ohio's state bird
Black Stallion by Carousel Works ... for the Cincinnati Park Board
Black Stallion Detail
Praying Mantis by Carousel Works - "Carolina"
Carousel Works Pig
Longworth (Catawba wine) Horse by Carousel Works
Carousel Works Horse and Rounding Board
Cicada by Carousel Works
Carew Tower Gorilla by Carousel Works
Ohio River Catfish by Carousel Works
Cheetah with Union Terminal on Saddle -  by Carousel Works
Cheetah Detail
White Tiger for Cincinnati Art Museum by Carousel Works
Transportation Horse by Carousel Works
Closeup of an Incline Railway - by Carousel Works
Riverboat Chariot by Carousel Works
Front of Handicapped Accessible Riverboat - by Carousel Works
Corvette by Carousel Works
Abraham Lincoln in Lytle Park Rounding Board - by Carousel Works
Krohn Conservatory in Eden Park Rounding Board - by Carousel Works
Carousel Works Sweeps and Rounding Boards
Carousel Works Rounding Board
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Carousel Support and Information: National Carousel Association

The NCA Photo Show Project is
©2004-2024 National Carousel Association
All rights reserved
Individual pictures are copyrighted as noted