Carousel Support and Information: National Carousel Association

The NCA Photo Show Project Presents:
The 1997 Carousel Works Carousel at
Riverbanks Zoo & Garden
Columbia, SC
Photo show courtesy of Jean Bennett
Visit their web page

When a picture is displayed, use the following to navigate through the show:
  • Right Arrow - Display the next picture
  • Left Arrow - Display the previous picture
  • Double-Left arrow - Restart the show
You can also click on the picture to advance to the next picture in the set.

The Carousel Works Carousel at the Riverbanks Zoo
The Carousel Works Carousel at the Riverbanks Zoo
Carousel Works Panda
Carousel Works Crane
Carousel Works Cassowary
Carousel Works Rhinoceros
Carousel Works Zebra
Carousel Works Silverback Gorilla
Carousel Works Tiger
Carousel Works Speckled Bear
Carousel Works Mandrill
Carousel Works Giraffe
Carousel Works Elephant
Carousel Works Pandas
Carousel Works Tiger and Koala
Carousel Works Barbirusa and Tapir
Carousel Works Lioness and Jaguar
Carousel Works Anteater
Carousel Works Tapir and Ostrich
Carousel Works Crane and Cassowary
Carousel Works Black Leopard and Panda
Carousel Works Spotted Leopard and Zebra
Carousel Works Elephants
Carousel Works Mandrill and Barbirusa
Carousel Works Chariot
Carousel Works Chariot
Carousel Works Peacock Chariot
Toucans and Hyacinth Macaws Rounding Board
Carousel Works Rounding Board Shield
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Carousel Support and Information: National Carousel Association

The NCA Photo Show Project is
©2004-2025 National Carousel Association
All rights reserved
Individual pictures are copyrighted as noted