 Links to Carousel Related Pages
It is the policy of the NCA to link only to web pages of organized
carousel groups, museums with carousels, official sites relating to particular
carousels (especially those that fall under the mission of the NCA), and
"Friends Groups" actively involved with carousel preservation
or restoration projects.
Our practice is to link non-commercial sites, but exceptions may be made
with regard to theme parks, etc. that have web pages on their historic
Carousel Museums
Carousels in Original Paint -- Museum Quality
Museums that have operating Carousels
USA Carousel Websites
Euclid Beach
The website of the Euclid Beach Park Now group.
- The Silver Beach Carousel
- The Herschell Carrousel Factory Museum
- C.W. Parker Carousel Museum
Leavenworth, KS
- Crossroads Village
Parker machine in Flint, MI
- Euclid Beach Park Nuts
- New England Carousel Museum
- The Flying Horses Carousel
One of the nation's oldest operating carousels and a National Historic Landmark!
- Sea Breeze Carousel
PTC #36 destroyed by fire, replaced with new.
- Paragon Park
PTC # 85 Carousel at Hull (Nantasket), MA -- They moved the building!
- The 1964-65 New York World's Fair Carousel
Located at Flushing Meadows Corona Park in Queens NY, the original site of the fair.
- Glen Echo Park Dentzel Carousel
"The only carousel owned by the US Government on behalf of its people"
- Looff Carousel
Riverfront Park, Spokane, WA
- Gesa Carousel of Dreams
Tri-Cities, WA -- Carmel Horses
- Ferry County Fair Merry-Go-Round
Republic, WA
- Salem's Riverfront Carousel
Salem, OR
- Santa Monica Pier Carousel
- William A. Hines Carousel Gardens
New Orleans, LA
- St. Louis, MO Carousel
Dentzel 1920
- Pullen Park Raleigh NC Dentzel Carousel
- Burlington NC Dentzel Carousel
- Cafesjian's Carousel
St. Paul, Minnesota (Formerly at the Minn. State Fair).
- Library of Congress Local Legacies Project
Shelby NC City Park Carrousel
- A Carousel For Missoula
Montana's volunteer-carved wonder.
- Great Northern Town Center Carousel
Located in Helena MT unique with native animals, open 365 days a year.
- Carousels.com
News, articles, message, board, etc.
- Steam operated Carousels
- Chance/Bradley and Kaye replicacarousel
Fantasy Island, Beach Haven, NJ
- PreservationDirectory.com
- The Elmira, NY Carousel
- The Pennies for Ponies project
A project conceived by a 7 year old student to restore the former Nunley's Amusement Park Stein and Goldstein Carousel.
- The Adirondack Carousel
Saranac Lake, New York
- Albany Oregon Carousel
Populating a 1909 Dentzel machine donated by the NCA and the William Dentzel family
- The Carousel at Pottstown, PA
A “Quality of Life” project
General Amusement Park Information
Military Band Organs and other Mechanical Music
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