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Great Northern Carousel
Ceremonial pipe and Shield

National Carousel Association Logo © Gary Nance
Date of picture: April, 2004
The pinto or paint wild pony has the shield which displays the coups,(or accomplishments of the rider), pipe and quiver. The owner would also paint or dress their horses with symbols meant to give the pony such things as speed, agility and vision. The pipe is a ceremonial Crow pipe, carved from steatite (a form of soapstone), polished with buffalo grease and used for ceremonies of all kinds, including treaty and peace negotiations. Thus the term "peace pipe".

The Native Americans also used pictographs to tell stories, give directions, and show off their coups in battle. The pictures were painted on shields, drums, teepees and rocks.

The eagle feather was a common form of further adornment, as well as horsetail hair from a favorite pony, beads, fur, buttons or ribbons.
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