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Dr. Floyd L. Moreland Carousel at Casino Pier
Wurlitzer Military Band Organ Style 146A

National Carousel Association Logo © Dr. Floyd L. Moreland
Date of picture: 2001
This band organ, serial number 3673, was shipped from the Wurlitzer factory in North Tonawanda on May 6,1924, to an H.M. Barnett (Philadelphia) with the notation "Wissahicken" on the Wurlitzer ledger page (currently in the collection of Don Rand). Its actual destination is unknown, although it has been on the carousel in Seaside Heights since the carousel was brought here.

At some point in the 1950s it was converted from a single roll frame to a dual tracker system. It was rebuilt in the winter of 1978-79 by the B.A.B. Organ Company (East Burke, Vermont). 16 bell bars (glockenspiel) were built and added by William Kromer in 1986. The organ was completely rebuilt during the winter of 2000-2001 by Dr. William E. Black, with the assistance of Michael Kitner and also aided by Bob Ryesky and Durward Center.

A complete account (descriptive and technical) of the organ's renovation (by Drs. William E. Black and Floyd L. Moreland) can be found in the November 2001 issue of the e-magazine WWW.CAROUSELS.COM (

The organ is the sole source of music at the Carousel at Casino Pier. Originally a second organ (Wurlitzer 125) was also present on this carousel. It was removed in 1976.
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